QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.



Sunday, 26 December 2010

Are You The Next Proud Technology Geek Superstar ?

5 Famous Geeks - Who Am I ? Quiz.

1. When he was 15 he used to take apart Apple II computers and rebuild them just for the fun of it. He dropped out of the University of Texas to run PC’s Limited at the age of 19.

2. He has famous Computers and Technology Products, also with – NeXT Computer – Pixar Animation. Dropped out of Reed College only after one semester.

3. He dropped out of Harvard to start a software company. After more than 30 years, his company is still one of the largest software companies in the world.

4. He was the lead programmer of famous games such as Wolfenstein 3D, Quake, Doom. He dropped out of the University of Missouri only after 2 years to work freelance.

5. He founded his company with $200 and a bicycle in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Today, his company is the preeminent local tech support service.

Did You Figure Them All Out ?

If Not, The Answers Are Posted Here:
1. Michael Dell, Dell Computers
2. Steve Jobs, Apple
3. Bill Gates, Microsoft
4. John Carmack, ID Software
5. Robert Stephens, GeekSquad

So, What's The Point ?

Besides A Little Fun, .TEL Represents The Potential For Someone To Be Famous !
Will You Claim The Title Of Official telGeek ?

If you earn the honor of becoming the Official telGeek in the future, the

Domain Name www.telGeek.com will be yours. Should it be given to Henri ? How about Huw ? Or Is It You ?

You Decide, And We'll Give Him Or Her The Official Title Of telGeek And The telGeek.com Domain Name !

Stupid Idea ?

Of Course, But Also Some Fun ... And It Sure Would Be Nice To Be On That Famous Geek List, Wouldn't It ?

Additionally, I Simply Registered The Domain Name - www.telGeeks.com And Forwarded It To The Development

Area Of The Telnic Website So That The World Has Direct Access As A Memorable Brand That Encourages Exploration !

Have Fun, Spread The .TEL Word, and Happy New Year !

I'm In PeoplePlace ! - www.PeoplePlace.tel

Great .TEL Domains - www.telShoppe.com

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Video about QR-Codes

Scan my .tel!

(QR-Code) --> (Scanner = Smart Phone) --> (Mobile Website Content)

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Scan Me! I am the mobile friendly landing page about Tesla Motors: www.teslamotors.tel.


This is the future: QR-Code Reader. Here is a QR-Code reader we recommend

Some phones have readers' standard now and it's easy to download. Japan has been using it for years. I heard kids have t-shirts printed with a Neoreader that links it to their ‘Myspace.'

In the future, newspaper ads would have Neoreaders so readers would zap the paper to learn everything about the listing. Perhaps newspaper ads would become extremely valuable once again.

This is the future.

Access mobile web pages

A 2D code can link directly to a mobile web page. When scanned, the information is delivered to your handset without having to type the URL into your phone's browser.


We recommend the NeoReader QR Code Reader:

How NeoReader Works

The NeoReader is a universal barcode scanning application that transforms your mobile phone into a barcode scanner and allows you to access mobile web content by scanning codes from print ads, publication, packaging, billboards, retail display, broadcast media, or any other medium.

Universal means that the NeoReader scans all the standard code types (Data Matrix, QR codes, Aztec Codes, EAN, UPC, and Code 128), so NeoReader is the only scanning software you’ll need.

Install the NeoReader barcode scanning software and you're one easy click away from information you want - everywhere you go.

It's so easy to use - launch the NeoReader, click on the barcode with your camera and ZIP...the content is delivered to your phone. No typing URLs into your browser, no painful search engines, no cumbersome menu's to navigate.

If you can think it, we can link it!

The possibilities are endless.

Get NeoReader:
Please visit get.neoreader.com from your mobile device:



Saturday, 18 December 2010

How to make a unique QR-ironed T-shirt?

How to make a unique QR-ironed T-shirt?

You will need to have QR T-shirt package from Kitchen Budapest for making a KIBU styled QR T-shirt. If you don't have one, and are interested in or you would like to have a QR Code T-Shirt please send us an email for this address: qrt-shirt@kitchenbudapest.hu.

Besides our QR T-shirt package, you will need an iron, an iron-table, and a tracing paper to continue.

You can generate your QR code for example using the free service on qrcode.kaywa.com. Please check what is the size of your sample QR code sticker - is should be 21x21 or 25x25 matrix. This is important to know, because you have to use a specific lengt of text to target a specific size of QR code while encoding.

(To read the QR code you will need to install decoder application to your computer or mobile device. You can find help on our T-shirt message project page under "Resources".)

For example, to generate a 25x25 pixel QR code you have to use a text containing more than 11 but less than 20 letters.

Here is a help:

21x21 QR code: 0-11 letters
25x25 QR code: 11-20 letters

a.) If you managed to generate your QR code, the next step is that you will have to reproduce it manually to have an ironable sticker.

Now you have to use the QR code sample sticker found in your package, and remove the exra pixels from it. Be careful, for you will remove pixels form the back side of the sticker, you have to think mirrored. You also have to take care to remove pixels from the white areas of the QR code.

QR code experiments

One strategy to avoid mistakes to print the QR code mirrored and remove the pixels while keeping one eye on the print.

Even better strategy is to print the QR code in the same size as the sticker, then temporary fasten the print to the sticker by tapes, and then use a pin to punch the white areas systematically to make visible holes on the sticker sheet. After doing this you can easily remove the punched parts from the sheet.

Don't trouble if you made a couple of mistakes - the QR decoders can handle some errors in the code.

b.) If you have your QR sticker you have to transfer on the T-shirt by ironing it. You will have to follow these instructions for best result:

1. Put the sticker sheet onto the T-shirt with the plastic glossy side up.

2. Put a sheet of tracing paper or fabric on the top of the transfer sheet to avoid the iron being contacted directly with the plastic side of the transfer sheet.

3. Iron it for 15-20 second by 160°C degrees with an average pressure on the sheet.

4. Wait for a couple of minutes for the sheet to get cold.

5. Remove the plastic film of the transfer sheet.
Your T-shirt you made in this way is durable and washable
at a maximum of 60°C degrees.

6. You are ready... smile and wear it!

Last step: customise your geek avatar!

Using the spare black pixels you removed from the transfer sheet you can customise the "geek" avatar printed on the T-shirt. For a basic idea you can make a feminin or masculin character as you can see on the picture below.

Or you can use your creativity at this part - just place the black pixel remains anywhere you want - to make hair, mouth, nose or shoes for the avatar - put a piece of tracing paper onto it and iron it!


A Little Bit Of QR Code Colour Loving For Dot Tel Domains

Others have noted that if you have enough contrast between foreground and background, most readers will still recognise the code – but lets make every block a different colour! Yup, it still works! Its a lot more prettier and fancier, but a thing to note is that you should still use colours that are a high contrast to the background. I guess I could have used a pale yellow instead of a white background to add more…but that’ll be just over doing it.

Source: http://www.madox.net/blog/2009/06/18/a-little-bit-of-qr-code-colour-loving/

So let me make a test with my own code, for www.Triest.Tel:


GIMP Image Editor

Rechteckige Auswahl


Rechter Mouse Klick
Nach Farbe
Mit VG Farbe Füllen
VG/HG Farbe

First Results:

Mit VG Farbe Füllen
Rechteckige Auswahl

(RGB, 2 Ebenen)


Saturday, 11 December 2010

Share the telpages.com URL and QR-Code

About Telpages

The .tel registry has published "Telpages", a searchable directory service of information stored in .tel domain names. People can search this for your company name, or for keywords and descriptive text listed in your .tel domain name. The information you store in your .tel domain is automatically used in the Telpages. Leading search engines like Google and Yahoo will index .tel names.

The keywords used in your .tel name can include hobbies, job title, occupation and this is indexed by "Telpages" along with your location. When people visit your .tel page, the links can generate an immediate contact. So, if someone clicks on a link to your email address, their machine will open an email program so the user can send you an email, if they click on a VOIP link a call will be initiated, and so on.

Search for .tel domains in the official .tel directory

TelPages search engine is developed specifically for navigating .tel pages and finding relevant contact information quickly and easily.

TelPages frequently indexes .tel domains focusing on the domain name, text headers, keywords and location. With TelPages, you can search for things or people, or limit your search to a specific geographical location with advanced search.

Search by type or location

There are many other situations where rather than finding one particular location shown on one .tel page, you want a choice of destinations; for example, when looking for a hotel or flower shop in the area around you.

For this type of search, use TelPages.com. It will get your current location automatically, and search there – or read the Where field and search for all addresses and locations in that area with the radius specified below the map. Click “Clear location” if you want to search globally.

Filter: Showing only results containing Image, eMail, Phone, Internet Call, Fax or Instant Messenger

To get quality search results, we also recommend using the Filters, so that you can get well-populated .tel pages with phone numbers, images, IMs and email addresses.

How to share Telpages, respectively, telpages.com

telpages.com: Find a business or individual with a .tel domain:
telpages.com is a .tel Only Search Engine and mobile friendly web page: Share and scan it:
Click on a social media button, as well as, scan it's QR-Code to your cell phone.

telpages.com URL and QR-Code:
Share this .tel Only Search Engine and mobile-friendly Delivr URL of telpages.com, with friends and fans.
Delivr has generated the QR Code for the mobile-friendly URL of telpages.com, the .tel Only Search Engine: Distribute it where your audience can see and scan it.

It is easy to share telpages.com via the Delivr website: Link:

Tags: 2D Code Advertising, 2D Code Marketing, 2D Codes, Mobile, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Marketing, QR Code Advertising, QR Code Marketing, QR Codes

Friday, 10 December 2010



www.Triest.Tel ist das neue mobile online Stadtverzeichnis von Triest.

Warum sehen TEL-Seiten anders aus als andere Webseiten? Verwechseln Sie Tel nicht mit anderen Domains! Andere Top-Level-Domains führen zu einer Webseite, während TEL-Domains hingegen zu einer Identität führen.

Nicht zu vergleichen sind TEL-Domains mit teuren 0700-Rufnummern oder so genannten Vanity-Nummern u.a.! Stattdessen bieten TEL's eine neue Infrastruktur, die eine Schnittstelle zwischen Telefon und Internet realisiert.

TEL-Domains haben den Preis für Best Domain Name TV Commercial gewonnen und wurden außerdem für den World Technology Award nominiert.

Bei stetig ansteigender Verbreitung werden zukünftig weitere Preise folgen. Am 29.10.09 hat diese neue Technik den renommierten Technologiepreis Models of Excellence 2009 gewonnen. Am 12.11.09 wurde dieser Innovation darüber hinaus auch der United Kingdom IT Industry Award 2009 verliehen.

Diese Kommunikationsart wurde gerade erst realisiert; es stehen besonders zukünftig weitere Entwicklungen an. Genau wie bei herkömmlichen Domains entstehen im Laufe der Jahre immer weitere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten.

Es gibt kaum ein anderes Produkt, welches so viele andere Funktionalitäten übernehmen und kombinieren kann.

So können TEL-Domains Gelbe Seiten, Kontaktverwaltung, SEO, soziales Netzwerk, Open-IDs u. v. a. ersetzen.

Die Bereitstellung dieses Services verfolgt die gleichen Umsetzungsziele, die schon von Google realisiert wurden.In einem großen Marktumfeld soll durch Vereinfachung sowie Benutzerfreundlichkeit ein hoher Nutzen entstehen.
Warum Ihre Firma eine .tel-Domain kaufen sollte …:

Mit einer .tel-Domain können Sie eine vollständig interaktive Kommunikationszentrale anlegen, mit der Sie entscheiden, wie und wo Ihre Kunden Sie erreichen können.

Mit einer .tel-Domain für Ihre Firma sind Sie im ersten weltweiten Verzeichnis für Kontaktdaten eingetragen.

Leiten Sie Kunden gezielt an zuständige Abteilungen und Standorte weiter:

Mit Ihrer .tel-Domain für die Firma können Sie Kunden einfach an die geeignete Abteilung oder den nächsten Standort weiterleiten. Das Ganze funktioniert mit einer schnellen, intuitiven Navigationsstruktur.

Halten Sie Kontakt mit Ihren Kunden – mit jedem Gerät:

Mit einer .tel-Domain sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Marke mit jedem Gerät mit Internetverbindung sofort erreichbar ist. Ihre Kunden geben einfach die .tel-Domain Ihrer Firma im Browser ein, wählen eine Form der Kontaktaufnahme und initiieren mit einem Klick die Kommunikation.

Praktisch erreichbar mit Mobilgeräten:

Die .tel-Domain Ihrer Firma ist für Mobilgeräte optimiert. Verwendet werden kleine, schnelle DNS-Abfragen, statt die gesamte Website oder den kompletten HTML-Content abzurufen. Dadurch kann Ihre Firma schnell und einfach mit allen Mobilgeräten gefunden werden.


Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Dominios .tel para crear tu tarjeta de visita

Desde hace casi un año adquirí el dominio yurena.tel para almacenar ahí información de contacto como si fuera una tarjeta de visita.

Estos dominios están restringidos a albergar este tipo de información y tienen la ventaja de que permiten publicar información de contacto sin tener que contratar un hosting y/o crear una web para ello. Está claro que estos dominios no pretenden sustituir a las webs, pueden considerarse más bien como un listín telefónico.

Parece una tontería, pero te puedes ahorrar el dinero que gastarías en imprimir las tarjetas de papel "mi tarjeta... ah si, apunta... yurena.tel", o reducir la información que incluyes en la tarjeta poniendo el logo, el nombre, dominio, tu teléfono... y ahorrandote meter el Twitter, el Facebook, el correo corporativo, el personal...

Pantallazo de yurena.tel

La gestión del contenido se realiza a través del panel de control de Telnic.

Panel de control. Tablero de control
  • En el Tablero de control es donde se gestiona el contenido de la web que puede organizarse en varias subcarpetas que se verán como subdominios en la URL.

Vuelvo a recalcar que se trata sólo de información de contacto y no permiten añadir módulos externos, ni código HTML... Aunque hay algunas herramientas como TelMachine que permiten hacer algunas cosillas más sobre la web y que explicaré más adelante.

  • De las pestañas Privacidad y Amigos no voy a hablar, principalmente porque no las uso, pero decir que están ligadas a usuarios TelFriends y creo que es algo que no está muy extendido... Yo lo tengo todo público porque, al menos de momento, esto es pa lo que es : )

  • En el apartado Diseño podemos controlar un poquito el aspecto de la web. Elegir entre 4 tipos de plantillas diferentes y cambiar los colores de las diferentes zonas (no es gran cosa, pero algo es algo)

Panel de control. Diseño
También podemos cambiar algunos parámetros de configuración como el correo electrónico principal asociado a la cuenta, la contraseña de acceso al panel de control, la conexión con TelFriends si lo utilizas, configurar el buscador que incluye Telnic para que busque localmente o en todo .tel (o desactivarlo). Y se pueden incluir hasta dos anuncios de Google Adsense que aparecerán en la parte derecha de la web y lo que es más importante, desde aquí se puede hacer una copia de seguridad del contenido o restaurar una que tuvieramos guardada (se guarda en XML).

Cambiar la configuración
¿Cómo se contrata esto? Este servicio tienes que contratarlo con un registrador de dominios autorizado. Aunque no es un tipo de dominio que esté disponible en todas las empresas registradoras hay muchas que lo tienen.

De lo que si me he dado cuenta durante este año es que el coste anual sí que varía bastante de uno a otro... Acens (26.95€), Arsys (25€), Dinahosting (10€), EuropeRegistry (45€ :-OOO No sé si venderán alguno), DonDominio (9.95€)... La verdad que para lo que es no entiendo semejante diferencia de precios, pero bueno, cada uno a lo suyo.

Por hacerles un poco de publicidad gratuita, este año migré a Dinahosting y a pesar de haber tenido algún problemilla al principio, creo que por ser de las primeras en utilizar alguna funcionalidad, estoy muy contenta con el servicio.

OJO: si cambiais de proveedor tenéis que migrar vosotros mismos el contenido de la web, porque creo que cada proveedor de servicios tiene su propio espacio en Telnic.

Otro día hablaré de TelMachine, que tiene algunas utilidades para inteactuar con estos dominios y este post ya me ha quedado bastante largo.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Weekend in Triest / Trieste

Use www.Triest.Tel: your mobile website.
Link: http://triest.tel/


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Monday, 25 October 2010

Triest.Tel: A new mobile directory for German speaking Italy tourists

Why I made this directory in German language:
Because of the rich and important background history from the Austrian Habsburg empire (ca. 1250 until precisely 1918) who ruled the town, until Italy was allowed to take over the town.

Pros and cons of Triest:


--> very low criminal rate / no pick pockets / no violence in the streets
--> good food at restaurants
--> interesting housing market with lots of available and reasonable offers
--> promising economic situation: good outlook for the future
--> job offers
--> very mild and healthy climate
--> lots of sports activity options, just right there...
--> many fish markets and some good fish restaurants (sea food)
--> loads of reasonable pasta dishes at fast food places
--> lots of theaters, museums and cultural activities/events
--> fairly clean city
--> strict laws and high fines for air polluters, dog owners and motorists, who violate the rules
--> overall good quality of live, getting better, all the time
--> low tourism, compared with Venice and other Italien towns
--> good food and wine, everywhere
--> good and cheap public transportation
--> interesting and rich history of the city
--> lots of nice tea rooms (coffee) and bakeries
--> loads of stunning architecture/buildings, mainly historic palaces and art nouveau buildings
--> inhabitants helpful and reliable (punctual, etc.)
--> nearby Slovenia and Croatia, for trips and holidays
--> nice, for shopping, walking, or sitting in- or outside of cafe's
--> some nice communication with natives of the region (Italian language), at bus stops, for example, or the yearly sailing regatta, etc.


--> high cost for food at shops
--> weak economic situation at present
--> low income rate
--> many old inhabitants (30% over age 65) / highest number of old inhabitants town in Italy
--> a lot of traffic and dangerous drivers, who think that they own the road
--> not so friendly or cheerful people, compared with the rest of Italy (more Slovenia mentality)
--> most inhabitants neither speak English, nor German, but only Italian or Slovenian
--> not very bicycle friendly town and area: no bike sharing offers in the center, or nearby, and trains mainly don't transport bicycles. Better have your own folding bike...

Get your updated info about Triest, now! Right from the palm of your hand, via your smart phone (iPhone, for example)! Simply dial "www.triest.tel", or scan the QR-Code, which you can find in the sub-folder "www.links.triest.tel".

Link to Triest.Tel:

Find loads of stunning pictures/photographs and slide shows, etc.



Friday, 15 October 2010

The "Share and Scan" website for Dot Tel Domains

A quick refresher on QR codes (Quick Response Codes) for the uninitiated. QR codes are a very useful tool for pointing people to more information about your product.

You take a photo of the two-dimensional bar code with your phone and you are automatically taken to the web site that is embedded in the code.
This only works with smartphones such as the iPhone, BlackBerry or Droid phones, but these are the most popular phones these days.

What is the added value of the hassle of scanning a QR code? The challenge is going to be figuring out what the user wants when they are scanning and are we giving it to them. Is it information? Is it a coupon? What can I give the scanner that will prompt a next step? What are the expectations? Am I adding value?

Here is way how to let the visitor decide, if he wants to scann the QR code, by taking a sneek preview of the mobile web page:

Mobile sharing with "Delivr".

Share your mobile-friendly Delivr URLs with friends and fans across several popular services.

Delivr generates a QR Code for each mobile-friendly URL. Distribute them where your audience can see and scan them.

Example for leskovac.tel:

1. Visit This Page


2. Share it

Share your mobile-friendly Delivr URLs with friends and fans across several popular services. Select one of the icons to get started.

3. Scan it

Delivr has generated the QR Code for your mobile-friendly URL. Distribute it where your audience can see and scan it.

Create and share your mobile-friendly Delivr page:

Link to the main Delivr website:


Visit, Share And Scan Mobile Websites.

Generate QR-Code reader:
Kaywa QR-Code Generator

Tags: 2D Code Advertising, 2D Code Marketing, 2D Codes, Mobile, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Marketing, QR Code Advertising, QR Code Marketing, QR Codes

Thursday, 14 October 2010

QR-Code usage for Dot Tel domains

QR-Code for "dot-tel-domain.tel"

A quick refresher on QR codes for the uninitiated. QR codes are a very useful tool for pointing people to more information about your product.

You take a photo of the two-dimensional bar code with your phone and you are automatically taken to the web site that is embedded in the code.
This only works with smartphones such as the iPhone, BlackBerry or Droid phones, but these are the most popular phones these days.

Quick Response Codes (QR codes), are the easiest and fasted way to acces a mobile webpage, or mobile website, or a piece of information, on a smart phone (mobile phone with internet access).

For Dot Tel usage, the QR-codes, should be either displayed on a mobile site, or on a paper business card.

Or from all sorts of stickers, from T-shirts, through shop windows, from print media (magazine pages, adverts), etc., etc.

It is easy, to access and read/scan the codes, from smartphone to smartphone, and to read the info on the smartphone.

Get QR reader:
i-nigma reader

Kaywa reader

Glass reader

Generate QR-Code reader:
Kaywa QR-Code Generator

How to provide a QR-Code on your Dot Tel domain:
Create a separate folder (sub-domain) and upload the QR-Code within the logo space of the header.
Name the folder something like: "Get QR-Code for this domain".

Get QR-Code stickers:

Get QR-Code T-shirts:


Other ideas:

Where to print:
Offline .Tel name branding:
Create your business cards, online, with your .Tel name on it, at "goodprint".
Nice quality, and good service:



A dotTEL business card image can be saved for linkage from your website!
Print one off, read it on your cell phone, let it dial your number. QRCode Readers here.
Learn more about QR codes in this video.
Zazzle.com will print and ship unique QR Code .tel business cards.
Online form:



WikiWorldBook versus Dot Tel

A free address book listing in WikiWorldBook.com “The Global Address Book” enables users to store and manage all their contact information on their own search engine optimized web page without the need for their own website.

It also enables them to be found and contacted by email within three clicks of a Google search of their name – without them even having to reveal their contact details and without the person contacting them having to register. This is primarily achieved through a simple customizable “profile page” which can contain as little of the user’s contact details as their name, nationality and gender. Messages go directly to their regular email service, so they don’t have to return to the site to pick them up. This Visual Guide gives a detailed list of the address book’s easy to use features.

Alternatively, users may want to display their full range of contact details to provide the people looking for them with the means of contact that best suits them. All users’ address book pages are highly search engine optimized to ensure that they rank well in Google’s results on a search for the user’s name, including “vanity urls” that contain the user’s name.

Users can differentiate between their personal and work contact details and use the structured format to add photos, building addresses, telephone numbers, websites, IM & VOIP links, social media and social profile links and well as add their own biographies and interests. All the user’s email, IM and VOIP services are hyperlinked so they immediately launch the appropriate service on the visitor’s device with one click. Users can add their social links to drive traffic to their other web properties and increase their authority with the search engines.

The address book provides a compelling free alternative to Telnic’s dot tel (.tel) domains which are subject to an annual domain name charge. Examples of each company’s products can be compared here – a John Smith profile on WikiWorldBook and a dot tel Telnic domain. Whilst Telnic’s underlying technology is undoubtedly more superior – being hosted directly on the DNS (the backbone of the internet) rather than on a normal web server, which provides for more rapid page loading – users have a clear choice to make over paying an annual recurring charge indefinitely or getting a reliable service for free.

Users control all their own information as they can delete their address book listing and all their information in a matter of seconds from their own control panel. A full range of Privacy Controls gives the user complete control over individual entries, so that they can share their information with people that they choose. Users are indexed quickly by Google and generally appear in their search results within a few days, whilst a powerful proprietary spam filter ensures that spam is negligible or non-existent. Many users will find this innovative address book as the solution to managing their online identity.

The WikiWorldBook address book is truly global with users from over 150 countries already currently registered in its Global Address Book. Based on current visitor conversion rates, the company anticipates that its global target market is around 15 million registered users, which might rise as brand awareness increases.

Many users will also find the optional Search Alert useful. This can notify them by email when they have been Googled and provides them with the searcher’s geographical location and IP address. If the user has been Googled by a company or organization, then more often than not the company or organization can be fully identified by name – making it an invaluable tool for small business people and job seekers. If the searcher is a company or organization, rather than an individual, then more often than not they can be identified.

Without needing to build, host or manage their own website, users can:-

Join an online global address book that provides them with immediate worldwide exposure.

Be found and contacted by email within 3 clicks of a Google search of their name – without having to reveal their email address and without the person contacting them having to register themselves.

Provide a fast way for people to connect with them in a single click from any mobile device

Display all their means of communication in one place under their control.

Update and manage their contact information in real time.

Promote their own business and web properties online and increase their traffic, authority and search engine visibility.

Who does it appeal to?

Online address book services appeal to a broad spectrum of people –

People wanting to stay or get back in touch with old friends and family.

Professionals who want to be easily found and connected with clients.

Small business owners & entrepreneurs who want to promote themselves and their business.

Job seekers who want to control their online reputation and demonstrate their aptitude with the internet. The majority of Human Resources departments now carry out internet due diligence on prospective candidates.

People who are happy being listed in their national telephone directory.

People who are interested in genealogy or similar subjects who want to rapidly share knowledge and ideas online with people they do not know.

People who want to promote their own web presence.

WikiWorldBook is a private limited company. The service it offers is solely a low maintenance address book service and not a social network. Users are not subject to the usual deluge of social network notifications (like “request to connect” emails, update emails, spam or new applications) and the service restricts itself to a quarterly service email update.

(Source: booksbyexperts.com )

WikiWorldBook is a project to create a free global address book through the participation of the world’s online community.

Anyone can use it to search & find people on the web with its open People Search facility which provides highly filtered results from different sources and the web itself.

Registered users can be found by old friends & colleagues, and be contacted without having to reveal their email address or without the person finding them having to become registered themselves. Registered users can also be alerted by email when they have been Googled, manage their online reputation and engage with other users in the forum and blogs.

Klick on image, to enlarge.

Dot Tel web pages are mobile phone friendly.
Get a free listing at the Global Address Book "WikiWorldBook", and promote, and link to your Dot Tel pages...
Link to WikiWorldBook.Tel:

WikiWorldBook, as well as Dot Tel, are both global online address books, if you will. Socialize, do business, and simply enjoy internet and mobile web technology...
Get easily found and contacted via Google, with either Dot Tel, or WikiWorldBook, or with both.
WikiWorldBook.Tel, may be just your WikiWorldBook landing web page..., so you might "grow" on it, and get to appreciate it, with time.

WikiWorldBook Ltd
287 – 291 Banbury Road
Oxford, OX2 7JQ, GBR

Service Provider:
Web Development

global-address-book, people-search, people-trace, web-profile
